Why I am (Attempting) To Blog

3 min readJun 2, 2022


So I say ‘attempting’ because I've never ever been a good writer. Let alone starting up a blog to share with the world. I’m sure like me, many of y’all had to Google, “How to write a blog?” or “why to start a blog in 2022?”. And surprisingly the benefits seem to outweigh why you shouldn't. Now granted I myself am still waiting to see these results but I'm hopeful!

I want to share with y’all the benefits that interested me the most. Being still fairly new in my Coding career I want to find any way I can to make my stamp on the world and possibly share my story along the way. Also, with the rise of social media and influencer culture, it seems like blogging won't be going away anytime soon; almost everyone has a blog now it seems (in some form or another).

Improve verbal & written skills

I've heard somewhere that clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Good writers know how to communicate and they make things easy to understand. When you are writing something down, you become more aware of choosing the right words to use. This means your writing will be more eloquent, concise, and elegant than your actual speech; but if you keep at it long enough this will start to transition into your speech. You will start to use an expanded vocabulary which will leave a better impression of you on the person you are communicating with. Keeping in shape doesn’t apply to only your body. You have to do the same for your mind as well. Your brain is also a muscle and just like your arms or legs, you have to train it if you want it to get stronger. Writing activates a number of different cognitive processes and helps unleash your creativity. All of this will keep your brain sharp and active, and it can even act as a preventative measure against some mental illnesses.

Document my story

This one I feel is pretty self-explanatory…I am on a journey and would like to track it. That way I can look back and see how far I've come.


One advantage of starting a blog that I'm looking forward to is the blogging community. To provide you with an outlet to meet people from all over the world within the community and open the doors to networking possibilities. They could become your colleagues, friends, support network and some would say “your cheerleaders”.

Personal Growth

I'm BIG on personal growth.

“The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, growth comes at the expense of previous comfort or safety.”
— Josh Waitzkin

They say one of the best teachers for you to really get a better grasp on understanding something is whether you can explain it to someone else. I feel that a blog post is a solid way to do that. Blogging gives you a creative outlet to share your thoughts, ideas, and passions. Your creativity and personality are not limited when you write for yourself — you have the creative freedom to write what you like.

Make a difference // Opportunities

Whether that’s encouraging people to be better, helping people, teaching, or simply connecting with like-minded people. I’ll keep this brief as I'm excited to see where my blogging will take me in the future to strive toward this goal.

I know, I know, give it some time and I’ll get better… still weird. I'm sure I'm not the only one here struggling with writing still; so for my fellow struggling writers out there…Cheers!

